Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Side Challenge #1: Days 3 and 4

SIDE CHALLENGE #1: Days 3 and 4

Day 3/4: Monday & Tuesday / October 4th & 5th

I came in at 1386 and 1397 respectively. I will be honest, it was a fight to the finish on both days but I overcame the peppermint patty and pizza that would have pushed me up and over the 1400 mark.

It’s strange how we can fight with food. I’m sure it’s happened to everyone. Where you sit and you see the food. You look at it, you can imagine how it would taste and how satisfying it would be. Then you stop and think about how eating it would make you feel bad about yourself. How it would make you feel like you “gave in”. Then you bargain with yourself. You’ve been doing the work, you’ve been good, why can’t you have it? And then telling yourself you can’t have it makes you want it even more!

What’s interesting in this though is that if you eat it, you are more than likely going to regret it. You’re going to have maybe a twinge of guilt, maybe a moment of “I really wish I hadn’t eaten that” and maybe the feeling of self-defeat. However, I can’t remember a single time in which I have resisted the temptation and thought, “Man, I really wish I would have eaten that”. Same goes for exercise. I’ve skipped workouts and had that inner struggle with myself. The thought of “I wish I had worked out” but I have never finished a workout and thought, “That was a bad idea”.

I guess I should remember this the next time that peppermint patty comes stalking me at 9:00 at night.

Side Challenge Goal:
Day 1: 1227
Day 2: 1375
Day 3: 1386
Day 4 1397

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