Thursday, January 24, 2013

Baby Steps to Working Out ...

I not only need to workout.  I now desperately want to workout.

What happened?

Well, while walking into work this morning I had my A-ha! moment.

I was walking thru the parking garage carrying my gym bag and lunch bag in my left hand by my side.  I then started lifting both bags up so that I could carry my gym bag on my shoulder.

But something happened.

I couldn't do it.

At first I thought I just had a weird grip so I tried it again.  Nope.  I literally could not lift them.  I didn't have any pain or anything, I just didn't have the muscle for it.

So I went to my desk and made an appointment with my orthopedist.  If any of you have been following me, you'll surely remember my run with p90x last year.  It was awesome.  I gained muscle.   I lost inches.  I felt great.  However, I also hurt my elbow.  And I've been resting it since I wrote that post back in June 2012.  It still hasn't gotten better.  And I've stayed off of it because any time I've used it too much it starts hurting constantly.  In fact, 3 weeks ago I went to the Urgent Care doctor because I had some crazy, out of the blue swelling around my elbow that was painful.  She gave me some pain medicine and said "please go see your orthopedist".

So, I'm going to see my orthopedist.  I mean, if I can't lift a gym bag then something isn't right.   It was a shocking moment to be honest.  I knew I had lost a lot of my strength but this felt different.  I felt scary weak.  After a couple of hours passed, I picked up my bags again and tried again to put the bag on my shoulder.  Fortunately, I was able to do it.  I don't know why I completely failed when I tried earlier but either way, it shouldn't happen.

My appointment is Monday afternoon.  And whatever he tells me to do, I'm going to do it.

I'm going to get better and then I'm going to happily workout.

I don't like this being weak thing.

I don't like it one bit.

I might even do p90x again.

But first things first.

To the doctor I shall go ...... 

Today's Menu:
B:  coffee + chocolate pea rice protein + coconut milk = makeshift mocha frappuccino!
L:  rice + thai green curry
D:  steak + mushroom sauce + mashed potatoes + green beans

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30 Days to ... by JH is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.