Friday, April 12, 2013

Slim in 6: Week 6 - almost done!

I'm so close.  So very close to being done.

In a few short days, I will close the book on this program.


No, not forever.  I actually have really enjoyed this program.  I know I've complained about how repetitive it is but the fact of the matter is, I like these workouts.  In fact, I will probably keep at least one DVD (level 2 or 3) in my rotation because I like it so much.

As far as results.  I will post my final measurement and 6 week weight loss numbers when I'm done.  But I've said it before and I'll say it again.

It works.  No, you're not going to magically lose all your weight in 6 weeks if you have a significant amount to lose.  However, you will gain some strength, look more toned, and feel stronger.  You'll also probably notice that your pants and shirts fit differently.  And if you're one of those really blessed people (of which I'm not), you might get even better results.

I think this would be a great starter program or a good get back into working out program for anyone.  Plus, it's cheap.  It doesn't require a gym membership or a lot of equipment.  You just need some space, the time, and a a long resistance band or a good set of dumbbells (at whatever weight you can lift - I did 5lbs).

A word about using resistance bands.  I found doing some of the moves (triceps especially) awkward using the bands.  I don't mean you can't do them I mean I, personally, thought it was an awkward movement to do while using a band.  For the tricep exercises, I always switched to a dumbbell and did kickbacks.  It was an easy switch out.

I'm happy this is almost over so I can start something new.  But I'm even happier that I did it.

I really do feel great.

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